Romantic & MagicalRestaurant

Discover our romantic restaurant, a historical setting ideal for a lunch or dinner for two

Un angolo di paradiso

I muri della nostra casa raccontano una storia

A Corner of Paradise
The walls of our home tell a story

You will be welcomed to our romantic restaurant by a charming garden filled with white and pink flowers, exuding intense fragrances.
Imagine the hosts who have passed through the centuries, the friends, the village, and the guests who have enjoyed this place—imagine them waiting to celebrate your arrival. Imagine it, because that’s how it will be…
The House is the work of many hands: Francesco bought and expanded what was perhaps already a tavern and wine press of Lezzeno Superiore as early as the 1600s. Francesco, three generations later, in 1913 during the height of the Belle Époque, expanded this corner of paradise with Bambina Ponisio and the advice of her capable father. Every room, from 1801 to today, has its own soul.

Anna Maria’sGarden


A corner of paradise facing the lake, surrounded by flowers cherished and cared for by Piera.
Sit under the ancient pergola where the laughter and shouts of bocce and card games once echoed.
Experience the joy of this ancient yet ever-new Eden!



Built around the large, welcoming hearth, this is the room for guests and friends—a place of warmth and surprising encounters.
Come in and sit at the original tavern tables to relive the sensations and emotions of those days and those people, then and now.

Glory Room


“… flags hanging in the parish church of Lezzeno attest to the skill of those locals in handling the oar, in many celebrated races on the Lake or in the Arena of Milan…” (Gracco Bazzoni, Description of Lezzeno, around 1840).
A room dedicated to the glory of generations of Lezzeno locals, a treasure chest of the most thrilling past of our small village.

Silvio Pellico'sCellar


The foundation of the “new Tavern of 1913,” it was hidden under a counter built in the 1950s.
Brought back to light, it waits to reveal the secrets that its barrels and wines, buried in the lake’s sand, still hold today.

The GovernmentRoom


The ancient Tabernae of the Castrum of Rokè, the stronghold desired by Constantinople, which closed the lake and the alpine passes of Maloja and Septimer.
Here, we hear the toasts of Roman imperial soldiers and Lombard barbarians echoing over fifteen hundred years of broken bread and poured wine.

A New Way of Dining

Our pleasure is to make you feel at home

Like all men, I was born in a place on earth that I love because it is where I played as a boy, fell in love, spoke, drank, and dined with my friends.

That is home.

We all need a home to return to.

Our pleasure is to make you feel at home in this House.

You are not here just to eat, but to enjoy a surprising humanity, the kind that only the small community of an ancient lakeside village has preserved and cherished for you, with this romantic restaurant.